How to Know Farmers Care About Their Animals

Perhaps the biggest argument I hear when engaging animal rights activists, both online and in the real world, is that farmers can't possibly care about their animals. After all, activists argue, they rape them, feed them to obesity, and then kill them, right? Not even close. This has been a subject that's been weighing on my mind a lot lately. If you follow my blog and/or social media associated with it, you'll know that I manage a herd of purebred boer goats in South Texas, on top of being a full time college student at Texas A&M University. On Wednesday, I had to rush home because one of our does was in labor, and had been for at minimum about twelve hours. She had been observed in labor the night before at 10:00pm, but since she was a seasoned doe who had kidded before numerous times and birthed at least a dozen baby goats (including two sets of triplets) all by herself, we assumed there was no problem. My sister, the one who found her, called me that night t...